

Next to my family and spirituality, music is the most important thing in my life. As a consumer. As a creator. Music is the fire that burns in my soul.

If you are a musician, you understand. It’s like there is a wild beast inside of you that is trying to get out. You can’t contain it no matter how hard you try.

If you are not a musician but rather a music lover, you understand too. When you feel happy, you crank up your favorite song to 11 and dance like no one is watching (and, in my case, REALLY hope that’s the case). When you feel angry or sad, you put on a song that allows those emotions and the tears to flow.

The ultimate for me is when I can connect music to my spirituality.

Without music, my soul would die.

The photo on this page is from a performance with the band “Me and The Boys” at The Channel nightclub in Boston, MA sometime between 1986 and 1989. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to play keyboards and sing with these guys for 4 years until I left to focus my attention on raising my family. I am very proud of everything we accomplished together (more on this in a future blog post).

If you would like to hear some of my recent music, check out my page on SoundCloud